Caring for your flowers

So you’ve been given (or gifted yourself!) a beautiful bouquet of flowers. How do you make them last for as long as possible? It’s easy as 1 2 3!

  1. Select a vase/ vessel that fits your bouquet comfortably. Decide if you want to keep the packaging on or remove it carefully. Cut 1 - 2cm off the bottom of each stem.

  2. Place flowers in your vase with plenty of cool water and flower food if supplied. Ensure no leaves are touching the water (wet leaves encourage bacteria to grow and shorten flower life).

  3. Display your beautiful flowers somewhere cool, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Refreshing water and recutting stems every couple of days can improve vase life. Each time you cut a stem, you are creating a wound that allows the flower to drink. Over time this ‘wound’ heals so by repeat trimming, the flower is able to drink for longer. Clean water is key to keeping bacteria at bay.


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